A boy's hand thrust forward towards the camera

CYSCP training guidance

CYSCP themed training

To supplement the Core safeguarding training, we've developed themed training to allow you to develop an understanding of specific topics.

Child Death Review: Advanced Training for Professionals

This training course is arranged by North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, and is available to York practitioners free of charge.

Booking is made through the links given below, and the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership cancellation and charging policy applies, so please ensure you have read their details.

This North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership training course covers the different components of the Joint Agency Response to a child death, and the role and responsibilities of different professionals in the process.

It provides delegates with the skills to explain to families the purpose of the process, including what will happen to their child.

Following the course delegates will understand the role for Child Death Review Process and how they collate and evaluate information for the investigation. They will have an increased knowledge of the nature and cause of unexpected childhood deaths and be able to recognise and respond appropriately to the circumstances surrounding the death of a child.

Course participants will have personal knowledge and experience in this field and come from a range of agencies including GPs, hospital and community health staff, ambulance and fire services, police, social care and education.

Target Audience

This course is aimed at:

  • paediatricians
  • ambulance workers
  • midwifery
  • ED workers
  • EDT workers
  • police
  • education
  • social work teams
  • health visiting
  • GPs
  • Named Nurses

Course delivery

This training is available online, and course dates will show on the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership webiste when available.

Search "Child Death Review Training": NYES Training and Events.

Course charge

The Child Death Review: Advanced Training for Professionals course is free of charge.

Course dates and times

See CYSCP Multi-agency training courses - child death review for up to date information.

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CYSCP Capturing the Lived Experience of Pre-verbal Children

The course aim is to provide an understanding of:

  • what we mean by ‘the voice of the child’
  • how we can interpret observations to provide the voice of the child
  • how to use the PRESENT Tool to capture the lived experience of pre-verbal children

Course delivery

This training is available via a short narrated PowerPoint presentation which is available on the CYSCP E-Learning Portal.

Course charge

The CYSCP Capturing the Lived Experience of Pre-verbal Children course is free of charge.

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The course aims are to:

  • raise awareness and understanding of how parent or carer mental ill health can impact on parenting
  • explore the impact of parental mental ill health on children
  • introduce the PAMIC tool

Course delivery

This training is available via a short narrated PowerPoint presentation which is available on the CYSCP E-Learning Portal.

Course charge

The CYSCP PAMIC Tool course is free of charge.

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CYSCP Private Fostering

The course aims are to:

  • provide an introduction to Private Fostering
  • recognise private fostering arrangements
  • understand why private fostering arrangements can present a safeguarding risk
  • describe what to do if you become aware of a private fostering arrangement

Course delivery

This training is available via a short narrated PowerPoint presentation which is available on the CYSCP E-Learning Portal.

Course charge

The CYSCP Private Fostering course is free of charge.

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Developing an Understanding of Harmful Sexual Behaviour

The course aims are to:

  • develop an understanding of harmful sexual behaviour (HSB)
  • consider the risks and needs of children who present HSB
  • share our concerns about the possible impact of working with children who have presented HSB
  • discuss further involved in identifying HSB
  • talk about what are considered ok and not ok sexual behaviours
  • briefly talk about why children engage in these behaviours
  • inform delegates of the York Youth Justice Service HSB programme and pathways for support

An Information pack will be sent prior to training which includes pre-course exercises and information. If you have not received this before the session please contact Emily Thompson on email: [email protected], or Kate Bryan on email: [email protected].

Course dates and times

See CYSCP Multi-agency training - Harmful Sexual Behaviour for up to date information.

Course charge

The Developing an Understanding of Harmful Sexual Behaviour course is free of charge.

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Domestic Abuse Training

A programme of free Domestic Abuse training has been jointly commissioned by North Yorkshire County Council and City of York Council.

These training courses are specific to professionals working within the North Yorkshire and City of York areas and are being delivered by our commissioned domestic abuse providers IDAS.

Target Audience

Professionals working with victims of domestic abuse and their children who work in the City of York and North Yorkshire areas.

Course delivery

This training is available online. Book online at:

Course charge

The Domestic Abuse Training course is free of charge.

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Safeguarding Children: Introduction to Child Protection Conferences and Core Groups

The course aim is to improve understanding and skills in working together to protect children and young people through Child Protection Conferences, Child Protection Plans and Core Groups.

Target audience

Practitioners and volunteers, in York, who regularly work with children and young people directly or indirectly and have particular responsibilities for safeguarding children, and who anticipate being invited to attend Child Protection Conferences or core group meetings as part of their work.

This course will be beneficial to practitioners who are new to Child Protection Conferences or have not participated recently.

Course delivery

This training is available via a short narrated PowerPoint presentation which is available on the CYSCP E-Learning Portal.

Course charge

The Safeguarding Children: Introduction to Child Protection Conferences and Core Groups course is free of charge.

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