A boy's hand thrust forward towards the camera


Child protection and children in care

Our child protection and children in care documents have been agreed by the CYSCP as a framework for joint agency working in safeguarding children within the City of York. They are based on the statutory guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023, research and good practice.

Staff who are, or may be, involved in safeguarding children need to have a working knowledge of these documents and to refer to relevant sections as needed.

Speak Up, the York Children's Rights and Advocacy Service have produced information on Advocacy and the Child Protection Process for parents aged under 18.

If you need to submit reports for Initial Child Protection Conferences (ICPCs) or Review Child Protection Conferences (RCPCs), send these to email: [email protected].

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The North Yorkshire Council Your health check worries video is useful if you're working with a child or young person who may be worried or have concerns regarding their health check.

The Speak Up website also has useful health and wellbeing information.

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City of York Children and Families’ Service Procedures Manual contains the policies, procedures and guidance for City of York Children's Social Care, and can be accessed by anyone within the City of York Council Children and Families Service.

All policies available are listed in the contents section.

There is also a Forms Library which contains forms, leaflets and documents used for the purposes of conducting procedures contained in the Procedure Manual.

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Professional concerns and disputes can arise at any stage of the child protection process and can lead to ineffective multi-agency working or in rare cases dangerous practice.

If you have any concerns over the handling of any aspect of child protection, please follow the process laid down in the CYSCP Guidance on Resolution of Disputes.

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