Find resources to help build relationships and connect with fathers and male carers.
Local links to support for father
You can find support from:
- Raise York
- Family Information Service
- Family Matters York - are here to support, equip and to encourage you to make small steps to change in your family relationships
- Menfulness - we bring men together to socialise, exercise, enjoy themselves, talk and let off steam in a non-judging, friendly and supportive environment. These are all essential for wellbeing and health, both physical and mental
- Parenthood Dads Group - social group open to dads, babies and toddlers. Tuesday's from 1.00pm to 2.00pm in room G11, York St John University
- Parenthood Online Dads Group - Online dad’s group. Social group open to fathers and father and babies. Every Thursday from 7.30pm to 8.30pm on ZOOM. Meeting ID: 873 4393 9324 Passcode: r4BZpL
- Yorkey Dads Hair School - Yorkey Dads, Menfulness and Pretty Plaits are absolutely delighted to announce we are back with now our world famous hair school. Its on the last Sunday of every month in the Community Room at Askham Bar TESCO, 10.30am. Booking is essential. Please don't book for your child and you. You only need to book for the dad who is coming. Book for the Yorkey Dads Hair School. You can donate £5 to menfulness. However, if you can't do this please pay the tutor on the day
- Andy Man’s Clubs - are a men’s suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the United Kingdom and online. We want to end the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and help men through the power of conversation. #ITSOKAYTOTALK
- Babies and Pregnancy CYSCP webpage
- CYSCP Engaging with Fathers One Minute Guide
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Examples of good practice and advice from our partners
Here are some examples of good practice and advice from our partners:
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Resources for professionals
- DadPad - The Essential Guide for New Dads support Guide for New Dads is a guide for new dads (app available), developed with the NHS. The DadPad app available for dads within North Yorkshire and York. Created to provide dads with support and knowledge to help them with their new-borns. Once the app is downloaded it will ask for their location and direct them to the localised version of DadPad
- Early Years – Engaging with Fathers
- Engaging with Fathers One Minute Guide
- Parent Kind Blog – What a difference a dad makes: engaging with fathers as well as mothers
- IRISS – Good practice with fathers in children and family services
- Family Rights Group - fathers
- Anna Freud – Supporting Dads
- NSPCC – Unseen men
- Fatherhood Institute resources
- Research in Practice – Working with Fathers
- Birthing4Blokes – Everything a ‘Father to be’ needs to know a resource for fathers to be including an online course
- Support – Following Young Fathers Further offers support and has a list of useful resources for dads or dads to be
- New Dad - You Are Not Alone
- Dad's guide to fatherhood
- Home-Start UK - Working with dads and male carers
- House of light - Postnatal Depression Support and Counselling
- DigiDAD – by dads for dads
- Dads Matter
- Baby Buddy - support for dads, pregnancy and postnatal exercise videos, mental health videos - Out of the Blue, premature birth videos, breastfeeding videos
- PANDAS Foundation (Pre and Postnatal Depression Advice and Support) hosts online zoom support groups and have a peer-to-peer support group on Facebook for Dads
- Men’s Sheds - Men’s Sheds encourage people to come together to make, repair and repurpose, supporting projects in their local communities
- Dad Talk - Europe's largest advice and support website for Dads. FAQs, articles and videos to help you become the dad you aspire to be
- Families need fathers - we offer information, advice and support services for parents on how to do the best for their children. We're the only organisation that provides these services on a national basis
- Family Lives (Previously - Parentline Plus) - we provide professional, non-judgmental support and advice in a way that all members of the family can freely access. We provide this through our helpline, extensive advice on our website, befriending services, parenting and relationship support groups. Nearly all of our services are accessible at no charge to parents and you can contact us 365 days a year. People contact us about all aspects of family life including child development, issues with schools, parenting and relationship support. We also respond when life becomes complicated and provide support around family breakdown, aggression in the home, bullying, risky teenage behaviour and mental health concerns of both parents and their children. It is good to talk and we can help you find solutions and recommend further support within our own wider services and/or from our many partner organisations
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Videos, podcasts and TED Talks
Watch the following videos, podcasts and TED Talks:
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Further research
Find further research:
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