We've made a number of changes in response to feedback received.
Care experienced young people shared with the Corporate Parenting Board their views on support with housing. Young people shared their experiences and made a number of suggestions for how things could be improved.
Through the Corporate Parenting Board the Housing Team worked with Corporate Parenting Advisors to develop a Housing Protocol for care experienced young people. This made some changes to respond to what young people said and draw together support into a single protocol. In addition Corporate Parenting Advisors provided training to staff within the Housing Team to help them understand more about their role as a Corporate Parent.
Care experienced young people shared with the Corporate Parenting Board how the current cost of living crisis is impacting on them and some of the challenges they are facing. Young people made a number of suggestions for different support that could help.
In the short term we are adapting information for young people about the range of different schemes and support that are available. In addition, we have created a cost of living fund for care experienced young people. This was launched in March 2023 and will provide care experienced young people with some additional support on key necessities. We are also ensuring that any future support from the council’s reflects our responsibilities as a corporate parent.
YorSexual Health carried out a survey of young people who are using the York and North Yorkshire sexual health services. The young people who completed the survey told services that they were unaware of where to look for information about sexual health services.
All feedback from the survey was incorporated into a redesign of the YorSexual Health website, and website links shared with young persons groups for design feedback.
We undertook a review of services and opening times and re-instated a young persons walk-in clinic in Monkgate, York, every Tuesday evening.
We developed a social media campaign to advertise the walk-in clinics on Twitter and Instagram:
We sent posters to every high school and GP service in York advertising the services provided as well as the young persons walk-in clinic.
Access4all told us that the experience of hospital waiting rooms left young people feeling nervous, bored, and sometimes scared. It was shared that without positive distractions in the waiting rooms, waiting for an appointment can be boring. Additionally, they highlighted how delays beyond scheduled appointment times can lead to anxiety, particularly in A&E where witnessing individuals with visibly severe injuries can be distressing.
The matron in charge of children’s services at York Hospital is coming to talk to the group, to feedback and work in partnership with the young people to decide how we make these things better for young people.
Access4All told us that getting public transport can be overwhelming for young people with additional needs. Getting the correct money out can be confusing, bus drivers not allowing time for this to take place can be frustrating and not knowing where to get off can be scary and the unknown is frightening.
The young people have created a poster to bus drivers with their top tips to support young people with additional needs on buses.
Access4All met with Maxine Squire, the Assistant Director for Children’s Services. They shared their feedback and the poster - Maxine felt that she could support by sharing the posters with bus companies in York via a City of York Council Connection.
In addition, Maxine felt that creating a poster for taxi drivers would be really helpful. She will support the group in sharing this with big taxi companies in York.