A boy's hand thrust forward towards the camera

Child Sexual Abuse Medical Assessments

Requesting a Child Sexual Abuse Medical Assessment

Requests for a Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Medical Assessment can only be made by North Yorkshire Police or City of York Council Children’s Social Care and North Yorkshire County Council Children and Families Service.

Regardless of who makes the request there must be discussion between the allocated social worker and police officer leading the case to agree the arrangements for the assessments including who will liaise with Mountain Health.

CSA Medical Assessments can be requested as an action arising from a strategy meeting or prior to the strategy with the intention of informing the discussions during the meeting. Child Sexual Assault Assessment Centre (CSAAS) or Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) will be invited to strategy meetings wherever possible to ensure expert views are considered when determining next steps. A CSA Medical Assessment should not be requested in order to determine if a strategy meeting is required.

It should be noted that there are different arrangements for children and young people 0 to 12 years, and children and young people aged 13 to 18 years; and for recent and non-recent abuse. For example:

  • children and young people aged 0 to 12 years, Acute Pathway (0 to 13 days)
  • children and young people aged 13 to 18 years, Acute Pathway (0 to13 days)
  • children and young people aged 0 to 15 years, Non-Acute Pathway (14 days or more)
  • young people aged 16 to 18 years, Non-Acute Pathway (outside of forensic timescales; young people aged between 16 and 18 years will usually be seen within the adult service and professionals are encouraged to ring Mountain Healthcare for advice around forensic timescales to establish if a young person follows the acute or non-acute pathway)

In cases where children also require assessment of their physical injuries, consideration should be given to prioritising this, particularly where the injuries are severe or require immediate attention and treatment (reference Child Protection Medical Assessment procedures).  Discussions should take place between police and City of York Children’s Social Care and North Yorkshire Children’s Families Service, the on-call paediatrician and Mountain Healthcare, to agree:

  • timing of the assessments
  • location and coordination of the assessments (please note: it may be possible for Mountain Healthcare to conduct off-site appointments if the child is unable to attend the paediatric CSAAS or SARC and to avoid the need for multiple assessments)

Further information can be found on the Hazelhurst Centre website.

Alternatively, read more about the North Yorkshire Sexual Assault Referral Centre and Child Sexual Assault Assessment Services.