A boy's hand thrust forward towards the camera

Local protocol for assessment

How children and their families can make a complaint

We aim to promote a culture of partnership working, whereby all agencies working with children, young people and their families feel confident, able and supported to address concerns in situations where there are differences in professional judgements around the response to the well-being and safety of children and young people.

As a partnership we are keen to foster a culture of conversation that aims to promote healthy, collaborative relationships between practitioners. We know that when we have strong partnerships between professionals and with families’ outcomes for children are better.

These conversations should take place as soon as possible with the aim of achieving a shared understanding and resolving any differences at the earliest opportunity.

Successful outcomes for children depend on strong partnership working between parents/carers and the practitioners working with them (Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 (.pdf)).

Effective working together relies on good information sharing resolving disagreements to the satisfaction of workers and agencies, and a belief in a genuine partnership and joint working to safeguard children.

Decisions should be reached together through constructive conversation however, at times there may be disagreement. If this is the case we follow 4 stages.

Stage 1

Direct Professional to Professional Conversation: conversations should take place as soon as possible between practitioners to resolve any differences at the earliest opportunities. This fosters a culture of conversation that aims to promote healthy, collaborative relationships between practitioners. We know that when we have strong partnerships between professionals and with families’ outcomes for children are better.

Stage 2

Direct Line Manager to Line Manager Conversation: where resolution is not reached between practitioners, their respected line mangers should have a conversation with the aim to reach a resolution.

Stage 3

Senior Manager to Senior Manager Conversation: Escalation should take place to senior management if resolution is not reached through conversation with practitioners and their respective line managers in the previous stages. The aim of Senior Management involvement is to create a space where practitioners and their respective line managers work through differences with the aim of achieving a shared understanding and resolving any differences at the earliest opportunity.

Stage 4

Support from the CYSCP to resolve the matter. In the unlikely event that resolution has not been achieved through the previous actions, the CYSCP has a role to support and assist agencies in achieving a resolution.