We've produced a number of 7 Point Briefings to disseminate learning from case reviews and multi-agency audits.
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Further information about the 7 Point Briefings is available on our learning and development page.
Learning from Case Reviews
Themes include:
- Persistent school absence
- Mental Health
- Neurodiversity
- Risks and safety plans
- Voice and lived experience
- Engaging with Fathers
- Operation Divan
Themes include:
- Non-accidental injury - baby
- Domestic Abuse
- Managing Allegations Against Professionals/People in Positions of Trust
- Connecting with Fathers
- Response to a previous 999 call and attendance at A&E
- Parental Mental Health
Themes include:
- Exploitation
- Missing from home or care
- Agencies responsibilities at child in need meetings
- Connecting with Fathers
- Parental mental health
- Peer on peer violence
- Timely referrals – out of hours referral
- Cumulative harm and risks
- Child Protection plans
Themes include:
- Baby
- Parental Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s)
- Non accidental injury
- Maternal mental health
- Multi-Agency plans and meetings
Themes include:
- Baby
- Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUDI)
- Parental mental health
- Maternal alcohol use
- Voice and lived experience
Themes include:
- Baby
- Learning disability
- Neurodiverse
- Harmful Sexual Behaviour – peer on peer
Themes include:
- Baby
- Non accidental injuries
- Domestic Abuse and MARAC
- Substance misuse
- Connecting with Fathers
- Professional Curiosity
Themes include:
- Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
- Child Protection plans
- Voice and lived experience
Themes include:
- Exploitation
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
- Cultural differences
Themes include:
- Neglect
- Housing
- Domestic Abuse
- Was not Brought
- Professional Curiosity
- Referrals
- Challenge and escalation processes
Themes include:
- Peer on peer violence
- Voice and lived experience
- Non Verbal Babies and Infants
- Babies
- HEAT Tool
- Connecting with Fathers
- Cumulative effect of neglect
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Learning from Multi-Agency Audits
Themes include:
- Operation Encompass
- Domestic Abuse
- Family Networks
- Professional Curiosity
- Neurodiversity
- Young Carers
Themes include:
- Youth Violence
- Neurodiversity
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Substance misuse
Themes include:
- Parental mental health
- Safe sleep
- Connecting with Fathers
Themes include:
- School Attendance
- Sharing of information
- Voice and lived experience
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Joint Targeted Area Inspection 7 Point Briefings
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