These free e-learning Courses, from a variety of providers, aim to provide practitioners with a basic awareness of the issue concerned. Some require an account to be created. Most provide a certificate on successful completion.
We do not host, endorse or have any responsibility for these external courses.
An Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences Early Trauma online training for practitioners, professionals and volunteers who work with children, young people and families.
This course provided by Virtual College has been developed as a result of significant research findings, which show that “When animals are abused, people are at risk; when people are abused, animals are at risk.”
This free safeguarding course has been designed to help frontline staff understand the link between family abuse and animal abuse, and is aimed at all professionals who have a responsibility to safeguard vulnerable children, young people and adults at risk.
This is a suite of training from the Anti-Bullying Alliance, for anyone that works with children and young people.
The programme was particularly developed to reduce levels of bullying of disabled children and those with special educational needs (SEN) but applies to all children. It also includes cyberbullying.
Mind-Ed offers a very comprehensive website of online learning packages.
There is a universal suite of courses as well as learning paths aimed at those targeted at professionals in education, health, social care and child minders.
Topics include self-harm, digital risk and learning disabilities, amongst many others.
This free e-learning course, provided by Ivison Trust (formally known as Parents Against Child Exploitation – PACE), is for parents and professionals who work alongside children and young people.
Disability Matters is a free e-learning resource for the UK workforce.
It consists of 3 programmes:
The programmes are available on the Disability Matters website:
Please note: Type 'safeguarding' into the search box to bring up relevant courses.
A programme of free Domestic Abuse training has been jointly commissioned by North Yorkshire County Council and City of York Council.
These virtual training courses are specific to professionals working with victims of domestic abuse and their children who work in the City of York and North Yorkshire areas and are being delivered by our commissioned domestic abuse providers IDAS.
Further details including how to book can be found on the IDAS Online Training webpage.
This course, provided by the Home Office, is useful for anyone who is interested in gaining an overview of FGM, particularly frontline staff in healthcare, police, border force and children’s social care.
This online course has been developed with the Forced Marriage Unit of the Foreign Office and aims to raise awareness, challenge perceptions and inform you of the correct actions to take should you suspect someone is at risk.
This course is aimed at all professionals who have a responsibility to safeguard vulnerable children, young people and adults at risk and is aimed specifically at child protection services, health professionals, education professionals, police officers, children’s social care, adult social care and housing authorities.
This training is designed to equip you with the knowledge, information and skills that you will need to discuss ICON: ‘Babies cry, you can cope’ with parents and carers.
The training will help you to:
This training is provided by ICON/York Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
This MAPPA Training, which is provided by the Probation Service, will support those who attend Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) meetings and anyone who works with violent or sexual offenders to raise individual awareness of Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements, practice guidance and policy.
It aims to help professionals consider the appropriateness of MAPPA in assisting the management of those risks posed by an individual to the public, known adult, children, staff and prisoners.
This online resource provides an overview of the issue of modern slavery.
It's aimed at helping all healthcare staff recognise the signs that someone has been trafficked, and to take appropriate action with confidence.
This 30-minute training video provided by Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust has the following aims:
To access the PAMIC Tool, see CYSCP tools.
This online awareness training, provided by the Home Office, offers an introduction to the Prevent duty.
It explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves.
This referrals course, provided by the Home Office, builds on the Prevent awareness e-learning training.
It's designed to make sure that when we share a concern that a vulnerable individual may be being radicalised, that the referral is robust, informed and with good intention, and that the response to that concern is considered and proportionate.
This course is primarily designed for Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL), Prevent professionals or equivalent roles who make Prevent referrals. If that responsibility is a part of your job role, regardless of your job title, then this course is for you.
This course is also for anyone who may need to make a Prevent referral and those who might spot a concern and share it with their DSL or an equivalent so that they can make a referral to the police.
This training package, provided by the Home Office, is for anyone who may be asked to contribute to, sit on, or run a Channel Panel.
It is aimed at all levels, from a professional asked to input and attend for the first time, to a member of staff new to their role and organising a panel meeting.
IDAS provide Sexual Violence Basic Awareness training.
This beginners training course is aimed at individuals in organisations and voluntary groups who work with adults to give a basic awareness of issues surrounding rape and sexual violence.
Zero Suicide Alliance provides both Gateway and Advanced training.
Gateway training:
An introduction to suicide prevention. In just 10 minutes, you could learn life-saving skills.
Advanced training:
A more in-depth suicide prevention training session which aims to give you the life-saving skills and confidence to help someone who may be considering suicide.