Do you feel safe?
Are you feeling OK?
If you’ve got a problem or are worried about a friend it can be hard to know what to do to make the situation better.
It can be hard to talk about your feelings or what is happening to you, but some problems won’t go away if you ignore them.
If you need help for yourself or are worried about a friend or family member, you should speak to somebody you trust, an adult or someone that you feel comfortable with. Talking to somebody can make you feel better and improve the situation.
That could be family members, teachers, doctors, nurses, social workers or other adults who work with children. They will listen to what you have to say.
Don't be afraid to talk to these people if you are worried. They are there to help you.
There are lots of people whose job is to make sure that children and young people in York are safe. We make sure that all these people work together to protect children and young people in York.
This page is to help you if you have any concerns, and to point you in the right direction if you need any help or advice.
Are you under 18 and care for someone in your family who lives with an illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, who relies on your support? Do they rely on you to help with everyday tasks like cooking and cleaning, doing the shopping? Do you provide them with personal care like helping them get dressed, getting them showered, or giving them their medication. Do you listen to them and provide them with emotional support? If this is the case, you may be considered a Young Carer.
If you are a Young Carer, you are entitled to support. You, or the person you care for, can refer yourself to York Carer’s Centre and someone will be in touch to complete a Young Carer’s Assessment with you which will decide what support you and your family need, which can be updated if your circumstances change. It can determine whether it's appropriate for you to care for someone else and takes into account your wishes and needs and whether you want to be a carer. Having this assessment is the best way to find out what's available and what support you can get in your situation.
You can request a Young Carer’s Assessment via the York Carers Centre website, contacting the York Carers Centre 01904 715490 or by emailing [email protected].
You can also contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) at the City of York Council on 01904 551 900 or by emailing [email protected].
York Carer’s Centre offers support to young people aged between 5 and 18 who have caring responsibilities for someone at home. They run youth groups so you can meet other people in a similar situation and similar age. There are also lots of fun trips and events you can take part in, they can give one to one support, and they also offer a Young Carer Card you can take to school which can be shown to your teacher to help explain if you need additional support or understanding.
You can get a discount card to use at various shops, cafes, hairdressers/barbers, taxi services and more in York - you can find a list of businesses on York Carers Centre website. You may also be able to get a Carers Emergency Card so that if something happened to you in an emergency, anyone finding the card knows you are a carer and can contact your named emergency contact who can take over your caring role for a short period of time. You can still register with the scheme if you do not have any emergency contacts.
The Young Carers website has lots of useful information.
Find out about upcoming events.
You can contact York Carers Centre:
Speak to a teacher if you think you may be a young carer, they can give you additional support and understanding. Some schools have lunchtime drop-in sessions for young carers.
The Children’s Society is a charity that supports children and young people who can help you understand your rights as a young carer, introduce you to other young carers, and give you advice on different ways into education and employment.
The Carers Trust is a charity who have a network of local carer organisations across England, Scotland, and Wales. They provide information, advice, practical help, and in-home care for unpaid carers of all ages.
There is also other general support available to you which you can find the details of below.
A range of support and advice is available for children and young people living in the City of York.
If you are worried about a friend or need help, or if you have a concern that someone you know is vulnerable or at risk of significant harm please contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) in York.
The MASH is a group of people working together from different organisations as a single point of contact for all concerns about children.
There is no need to be worried or scared, they are there to help you.
You can contact MASH on telephone: 01904 551900, or email: [email protected].
Outside office hours, at weekends and on public holidays contact the Emergency Duty Team on telephone: 0300 131 2 131.
The Raise York website offers advice and support on a whole range of topics for children and young people in York under the age of 25.
The Gate York offers a range of support for children and young people up to 25 years affected by their own or someone else’s substance use.
See more information about York drug and alcohol services.
York Youth Council is a group of passionate young people who want to make York better for every young person in their community.
Their vision is to empower young people to have a voice and to influence the future of their community.
A Child Protection Conference is a meeting that is held if people are worried about your safety, or there are concerns about how you are being treated by the people caring for you.
The following resources are available to help support you.
There are a range of services available to you as a child in care.
Show Me That I Matter is York's Children in Care Council. They exist to make sure that all children and young people who are cared for by City of York Council have the chance to share their views and help shape and influence the services which affect them and other children and young people in care.
Their website contains everything you need to know as a child or young person in care or leaving care.
Speak Up is the name of York's Children's Rights and Advocacy Service.
The role of Speak Up is to promote children’s rights and entitlements, provide advocacy for children and young people who can access this support, and to facilitate participation opportunities for children and young people.
Information is available on the City of York Council (CYC) website, and on the Speak Up website, including explanations of what advocacy is.
There are a number of websites which cover a wide range of topics offering help, advice, resources and support for children and young people.
The Anti-Bullying Alliance provide an interactive anti-bullying information tool for parents and carers.
Barnado’s offer practical and emotional support so that you can enter adulthood with the confidence you need to achieve your full potential.
They offer a wide range of resources from support with homelessness to mental health support.
If you are a young person who thinks you might be lesbian, gay, bisexual or are questioning your sexual orientation, or you think you might be trans, non-binary, or are questioning your gender identity, the Be You Project has resources and useful information to help you.
Childline has a wide variety of information on their website ranging from coping with difficulties with making new friends to exam stress.
Crimestoppers Fearless offer you a safe way to pass on any information you may have about a crime.
You can report crime 100% anonymously using their online form.
Educate Against Hate provides government advice and trusted resources to help safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values.
Frank will give you honest information about drugs as well as what to do if you are concerned about a friend or you are being pressured into taking drugs.
Modern slavery is happening in our communities - being able to spot the signs and know what to do could make a life-changing difference. You might walk past or speak to someone who needs help without you even realising it. Help spread the word about the signs to look out for.
If you need bullying advice, you can call Kidscape’s advice line.
They give friendly, impartial advice to anyone who is concerned about a child - either because they are being bullied, or because they may be involved in bullying others.
The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people.
They will help you take on any challenge you’re facing including advice on mental health, money, homelessness, finding a job, break-ups and drugs.
Talk to them via their online community, on social media, through their free, confidential helpline or counselling service.
The National FGM Centre aims to achieve a system change in the provision of services for children and their families who are affected by Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).
Their work also includes breast flattening and child abuse linked to faith or belief.
NSPCC offer a wide range of advice for children and young people. They have advice if someone asks to see, or tries to touch you, underneath your underwear and this is called Talk PANTS.
Your body belongs to you, and you should tell a safe adult you trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried.
Watch the Pantosaurus video to find out more.
Rape Crisis provide help if you’ve experienced rape, child sexual abuse or any kind of sexual violence.
Their website includes details of local Rape Crisis services, information about sexual violence for survivors, and people supporting survivors.
Respect not Fear help young people recognise unhealthy and abusive traits in their relationships.
Their site is full of information to promote healthy teen relationships, with useful advice for young people to assess their own relationships and get help if needed.
Contact Runaway Helpline if you are thinking about running away, if you have already run away, if you have been away and come back, or if you are worried that someone else is going to run away.
The Safety Net is a project to prevent the exploitation of people with learning disabilities by those claiming to be their friends, and aimed to deal with issues around "mate crime".
Shout is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope.
Stop Hate UK is a leading national organisation working to challenge all forms of Hate Crime and discrimination, based on any aspect of an individual’s identity.
Stop It Now supports anyone with a concern about child sexual abuse and its prevention. They encourage you to trust your gut and call, live chat or email, whatever your worry.
Unseen provides information, advice and guidance about any modern slavery issue.
The following websites offer advice and guidance on a range of mental health topics.
MindEd is a free educational resource on children, young people, adults and older people's mental health.
The NHS offer support for anyone who self-harms or thinks about self-harm, as well as their friends and family.
PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people.
PAPYRUS have produced a guide for parents which has been created following discussions with parents who have experience of supporting a young person struggling with their mental health.
Their website also includes other resources and advice if you are worried about someone.
Stem4 - Supporting Teenage Mental Health is a useful website for parents and carers who have concerns about teenagers mental health. There are a whole host of resources and apps available which provide support and advice.
Whether you want to understand more about how you're feeling and find ways to feel better, or you want to support someone who's struggling, Young Minds can help.
The Breck Foundation was founded in 2014 in response to the tragic loss of Breck Bednar, a 14 year old boy who was groomed and murdered by someone he met online. Their work aims to prevent this from ever happening again.
You can contact Child Exploitation Online Protection Command (CEOP) safely and securely if you have experienced online sexual abuse or you're worried this is happening to someone you know.
Childnet is an interactive safety programme website for schools, young people, parents and agencies.
Internet Watch Foundation is the UK hotline for reporting illegal Internet content.
Think U Know is a website aimed at children and young people provided by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre. The website contains very useful information about how to stay safe online.
The UK Safer Internet Centre provide resources for parents and carers who want to know more about gaming, from privacy to parental controls.